The KH Manager relies on a number of factors to operate properly and perform stable, reliable testing and dosing.

Below is a chart of possible issues that could be experienced with the KH Manager along with the potential cause and solution. Simply look for the issue that closely relates to the problem you are seeing and then click on the relevant solutions to take you to the FAQ page with the information needed on how ro resolve it.

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  Possible Reasons Solution
KH reading does not match another testing method KH Manager saltwater pump needs calibrating. How to calibrate the Saltwater pump.
KH Manager pH probe needs cleaning and / or calibrating. How to clean and calibrate the pH probe.
KH test reagent is not at the correct concentration. How to use the KH Manger reagent checker function.
Stirrer bead is not spinning properly / too fast.  Setting and checking the operation of the stirrer.
KH test reagent tubing is blocked or drawing in air. Checking the KH test reagent tubing and replacement.
KH Manager saltwater pump tube blocked or drawing in air. Checking the saltwater pump tubing and replacement.
Alternative testing method is giving incorrect results. Confirming the result on your alternative testing method.
KH Manager requires KH calibration. How to calibrate the KH on the KH Manager.
KH Manager test reagent pump speed set incorrectly. Checking and setting the test reagent pump speed.
PH Probe has expired or is damaged. Checking the pH probe.
Addition of additives is affecting the test result. Setting dosing in relation to KH Manger testing.
PH reading does not match another testing method KH Manager pH probe needs cleaning and / or calibrating. How to clean and calibrate the pH probe.
Stirrer bead is not spinning properly / too fast.  Setting and checking the operation of the stirrer.
KH Manager saltwater pump tube blocked or drawing in air. Checking the saltwater pump tubing and replacement.
Alternative testing method is giving incorrect results. Confirming the result on your alternative testing method.
PH Probe has expired or is damaged. Checking the pH probe.
Addition of additives is affecting the test result. Setting dosing in relation to KH Manger testing.
KH reading above 14dKH KH test reagent tubing is blocked or drawing in air. Checking the KH test reagent tubing and replacement.
Dripper nozzle is not in position properly. Checking and positioning the dripper nozzle
Stirrer bead is not spinning properly / too fast.  Setting and checking the operation of the stirrer.
Drip sensors need cleaning Cleaning and checking the drip sensors
KH test reagent is not at the correct concentration. How to use the KH Manger reagent checker function.
KH reading close to 0dKH KH Manager saltwater pump tube blocked or drawing in air. Checking the saltwater pump tubing and replacement.
KH Manager saltwater pump needs calibrating. How to calibrate the Saltwater pump.
KH test reagent is not at the correct concentration. How to use the KH Manger reagent checker function.
KH test takes a long time to complete with poor result KH Manager test reagent pump speed set incorrectly. Checking and setting the test reagent pump speed.
KH Manager saltwater pump needs calibrating. How to calibrate the Saltwater pump.
KH test reagent is not at the correct concentration. How to use the KH Manger reagent checker function.
KH test finishes quickly with poor result KH Manager test reagent pump speed set incorrectly. Checking and setting the test reagent pump speed.
KH Manager saltwater pump needs calibrating. How to calibrate the Saltwater pump.
KH Manager saltwater pump tube blocked or drawing in air. Checking the saltwater pump tubing and replacement.
KH test reagent is not at the correct concentration. How to use the KH Manger reagent checker function.
PH Sensor error KH Manager pH probe needs cleaning and / or calibrating. How to clean and calibrate the pH probe.
PH Probe has expired or is damaged. Checking the pH probe.
False error warning due to recent pH probe calibration. How to clear an error warning
PH Sensor fails callibration KH Manager pH probe needs cleaning. How to clean the pH probe.
New pH probe needs conditionig before callibration. How to condition a new pH probe.
PH Probe has expired or is damaged. Checking the pH probe.
Callibration solutions expired, contaminated or incorrect temperature. Correct use and storage of calibration solutions.
Wrong Callibration solutions being used. What pH calibration solutions can I use for the KH Manager
Drip Sensor error KH test reagent tubing is blocked or drawing in air. Checking the KH test reagent tubing and replacement.
Drip sensors need cleaning Cleaning and checking the drip sensors
Dripper nozzle is not in position properly. Checking and positioning the dripper nozzle
KH or pH readings are unstable KH Manager pH probe needs cleaning and / or calibrating. How to clean and calibrate the pH probe.
KH test reagent tubing is blocked or drawing in air. Checking the KH test reagent tubing and replacement.
KH Manager saltwater pump tube blocked or drawing in air. Checking the saltwater pump tubing and replacement.
Stirrer bead is not spinning properly / too fast.  Setting and checking the operation of the stirrer.
Addition of additives is affecting the test result. Setting dosing in relation to KH Manger testing.
PH Probe has expired or is damaged. Checking the pH probe.
Other KH Buffer (Rise Reagent) pipework leaking or come loose. Checking an clearing the KH Rise Reagent pump pipework.
App showing an error when trying to change a setting. Checking for app or firmware updates
KH Manager not showing on app home page when logged in. Incorrect log in details being used for the Kamoer Remote account.