Here are the steps to properly update firmware on the AI controller, used with the AI SOL Blue, AI SOL White and AI Nano.

Firstly download the latest firmware file from our AI LED controller product page and Unzip the archive folder to your desktop to show the firmware bin and read me file.

Use a Windows computer (the process is not Mac compatible)

•Unplug Controller from Modules
•Using a mini-USB cable connect one end into PC
•While pressing and holding the controller knob down, connect to the USB cable
•At this point, the Controller display should say “AquaIllumination Firmware Update’ – the PC should also notify you that a a flash drive is connected.
•Open the flash drive and delete the file named ‘firmware’
•Now, drag the attached file to the drive
•Once it has copied, you may disconnected the controller from the PC
•Re-connect modules

•Unplug Controller from Modules

•Using a mini-USB cable connect one end into PC. The mini USB cable isnt supplied with the unit but is a very common cable often used to transfer images from a camera to computer,for external hard drives,mobile phones and other devices that use computer connectivity.

•While pressing and holding the controller knob down, connect to the USB cable

•At this point, the Controller display should say “AquaIllumination Firmware Update" – the PC should also notify you that a a flash drive is connected.

•Open the flash drive and delete the file named ‘firmware.bin’

•Now, drag the new firmware.bin file into the flash drive

•Once it has copied, you may disconnect the controller from the PC

•Re-connect modules


Sometimes Windows takes 5-10 minutes to recognize the controller as a flash drive after it is connected to the computer and the display shows “AquaIllumination Firmware Update"