Why do I get different KH and pH test results on my KH Manager compared to my other testers?
When comparing the KH or pH test results on your KH Manager with another testing device it is not uncommon for there to be a discrepancy. This could be due to various reasons but is most commonly down to the accuracy of the alternative testing method.
It is common for liquid KH test to read approximately 1dKH high when new and then depending on the conditions the kit is stored in it is possible this will then deviate as the kit gets older. Likewise with digital colorimetric testes that use a test reagent powder and give a digital readout of the result it is not uncommon for the reading to show high. This can also be affected by the accuracy of the unit which for example is +/-0.3dKH +/- 5% of the reading for one of the most popular pocket checkers sold in the UK and Europe, so a reading of 8dKH could actually be indicating a value of anywhere between 7.3dKH and 8.7dKH. Other limitations such as the age of the reagents can also have a bearing on the test results.
To conclusively check the KH reading on your KH Manager it is advisable to use an ICP, such as the Reef Zlements ICP Advanced Test, this testing is done in laboratory conditions and will be the most accurate and reliable method for comparison.
If you want to calibrate the KH readout on your KH Manager to match another testing device this can be done in the settings, please click HERE for instructions.
When comparing the pH reading on the KH Manager with another pH probe based digital tester you will likely see a variance up to 0.3. Most commercially available pH probes in the aquarium hobby have an accuracy of +/- 0.1 and the sample of water in the KH Manager is being tested in isolation so is not affected by other factors such a stray currents or static which can cause a variation on the reading. If the reading difference is greater it is advisable to clean, check and calibrate both probes.
For instructions on cleaning and calibrating the KH Manager pH probe click HERE.