
D-D is now introducing a new brand name and smart new image for its well established and trusted line of Aquablue+, Actinic+, Lagoon Blue, AquaPink, Actinic Pure, Midday and Aquaflora T5 tubes.
D-D is now introducing a new brand name and smart new image for its well established and trusted line of Aquablue+, Actinic+, Lagoon Blue, AquaPink, Actinic Pure, Midday and Aquaflora T5 tubes.
Purchased your new Prime and not sure what that little light is doing on the top, let us en'light'en you
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Want to connect to your Prime from IOS or Android without the use of a router? Read on and prosper
In 2002 D-D Aquarium Solutions were the very first in the world to develop a 5 point spectrum, blended phosphor T5 tube specifically for marine and reef aquariums. Before that time there were only...
Having trouble setting up your Mark 2 controller, read on...
If your having difficulty setting up your new AI LED light you may want to reset to factory using the following guide
If you are having some problems setting up your AI director the following reply to a customer may help you get up and running.
Video assistance when setting up your new director
Having problems setting up your new wireless adapter? Read on for tips and tricks to get rolling
Mixed up your Hydra optics or dont know which ones you have installed in your Hydra? Read on to find out what to look for to distinguish between the two.
Want to know more about the range of accessories available for AI LED lighting? read on for illumination.
Dont know your Vega from your Hydra's ? Read on and all will be revealed.
When Europe's largest coral and fish livestock dealer starts using Aqua Illumination LED's it's time to sit up and take notice, read on for more info.