Until recently a lake in Berlin had been suffering an unwanted algae bloom due to an increasing phosphate concentration.
Simple instructions of how to use Rowaphos in a fluidised reactor.
Without proper testing of the phosphates within your system and the correct use of the media itself you may not be getting the best from your money.
This page gives details on the maximum capacity of Rowaphos for the five sizes of container that it is supplied in.
Recommendations for use of Deltec protein skimmers with ozone.
Simplified instructions on how to fit a noise dampening kit on the multi compact range of Deltec protein skimmers
Sound dampening kits are available for earlier versions of the MCE600 and MC500 skimmers plus a number of improvements on the latest models.
All protein skimmers make noise however Deltec believe that their protein skimmers are amongst the quietest on the market when installed and operated correctly. This article advises on the possible...
Advice for new users who are finding that they are getting excessive bubbles in the cup of their new Deltec Protein Skimmers or that the cup is filling with a clear waste
Beware of the freshwater version of this aquarium being passed off as the same as the saltwater Nano-Cube. Read on to find the huge differences.
Why we do not recommend use of a pH controller with a Deltec Calcium Reactor.
Why Deltec Fluidised Calcium Reactors produce more calcium than non fluidised models.
Efficient skimming is all about how much air you can mix with the the water. Choose the right skimmer based on actual performance and not manufacturers recommended tank size.
Deltec Protein Skimmers, renowned throughout the world for extreme performance use a unique, highly developed pin wheel system which produces a water air mix unequalled by others.